
I create light for making brilliant connections

Sometimes the newest members of a company can provide unique insights into its character. Bevindira has been with ams OSRAM for just a few months and is positive about his experience so far. He is currently undertaking an advanced diploma in mechatronics engineering, spending some time in an apprentice position. Although he is gaining exposure and training in a variety of areas, he has already identified certain fields that he finds particularly interesting. One of the reasons he wanted to apply for the apprenticeship at OSRAM was because of the company’s research in biometric identification. This technology relies on biometric features such as the iris, facial features and hand veins to identify authorised users for a wide variety of purposes, such as mobile electronics. “Light is a very important thing,” he says, “And ams OSRAM is one of the most innovative companies doing this kind of work.”

Bevindira has a mentor who helps him focus his expectations about the program, evaluate his experiences and set goals. He enjoys the environment, which requires him to be more independent than at school, giving him the chance to explore and learn by doing. This is combined with structured guidance from experienced colleagues, especially when it comes to safety training. “ams OSRAM is very good at looking after their employees”, he says.

For a student who came into this experience knowing only that he wanted to learn more about robotics, Bevindira is broadening his horizons and learning a lot about what light can do. “I want to learn more about facial recognition,” he says, “because it’s a very new technology and I am sure the whole world is going to try it out.” Biometric recognition systems are one example of several high-tech solutions currently becoming widely known.

Another topic that sparks Bevindira’s interest is automated driving – but the innovations don’t end there. Right now at ams OSRAM we are also working on creating the future of light as applied to virtual reality, warehouse logistics, entertainment and more. And it’s employees like Bevindira, with that sense of curiosity, enthusiasm and excitement about the future, who keep us leading the way with fresh ideas.