Xiao Fen​

I create light for stronger security technologies

As a materials engineer at ams OSRAM, Xiao Fen is part of the team developing iris scan technology – a new high-tech security solution for mobile phones. Xiao Fen’s task is to select a suitable non-conductive adhesive for use in the lens. She studies material properties and interactions to find a robust, high-quality glue that can accommodate the thermal expansion of two dissimilar materials. It is challenging to source a high adhesive glue that also has high flexibility to absorb the thermal stress. To make sure that the group is ultimately effective, Xiao Fen helps ensure that the glue does not interfere with the lighting of the lens, which could mean reductions in the radiation. She also considers the further applications this adhesive material could have beyond mobile phone technology.

Xiao Fen is a recent graduate who came to ams OSRAM via the graduate program. “I had a positive impression of ams OSRAM, as a German-based, high-tech company,” she says. One of the main attractions for her was ams OSRAM’s reputation for top innovation in the LED market and outstanding work in the automotive field. Now, as an employee, she has experienced what that commitment to research and development means in her everyday working life. “We actually have a very advanced, high-tech lab. We have a lot of equipment to ensure we get accurate and precise material data for analysis. ams OSRAM also has many development projects, which focus on realizing new technology.”

So what is the result of this commitment to high-tech innovation?

New, high-quality technologies that improve people’s lives in measurable ways. The facial recognition technology that Xiao Fen works on, for example, is not just a simple way to unlock a mobile phone. It can also be used by banks to heighten security, ensuring data is accessed only by the right individual. And her work with adhesives is also relevant for the next generation of projector technology, where there are different challenges to face because of the high heat factor.